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Hysteria Project 2 PSP


Hysteria Project 2 PSP
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011
Publisher: Sanuk Games
Developer: Bulkypix
Genre: Action / Advenure / Horror
Download  |  USA  |  ISO  |  1part  |  459mb

Hysteria Project 2 PSP

You thought you had survived the nightmare… but you were wrong.In the wake of Hysteria Project, which received the Milthon Award in 2009 for its originality, Hysteria Project 2 sticks with the same elements that made its predecessor a success, but pushes the experience even further.THE GAME WHERE YOU ARE THE HERO IS BACK-Step into the shoes of the main character and become the hero of the adventure-Feel the fear from your character's rapid breathing and heart rate-Discover powerful and enigmatic charactersRICH AND VARIED GAME PLAYS-Explore environments in 360°-Get through laser fields and survive corridors of flames-Solve numerous mysteries-Pick up lots of secret documents during the adventureAN UNPRECEDENTED EXPERIENCE CAPTURED ENTIRELY ON FILM-Discover a game filmed entirely in high resolution-Enjoy an overwhelming soundtrack and descend into the heart of hell-Live through an unprecedented experience-Discover a game offering the whole gamut of sensations and huge adrenaline rushes.

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